Joint Forces Roofing

The Number 1 Veteran Owned Commercial Roofing Company in the United States

What we do

With a wide variety of skills and product offerings, we have the right solution to fit the unique needs of our clients.
New Build

Equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to install a wide range of single-ply, fluid-applied, and both cold and hot asphaltic systems, JFR ensures your project is completed correctly, within the agreed timeframe and budget.

Existing Roof Replacement or Overlay

When you're in need of a new roof, JFR is the reliable partner you can count on to provide the perfect roofing solution for your unique building. Boasting an extensive selection of products and a wealth of expertise, JFR is prepared to assist you with your reroofing project.

Emergency service and Preventative maintenance

Roofs are significant investments that can be surprisingly susceptible to damage if not appropriately cared for. JFR specializes in maintenance programs for all kinds of roofing systems and is prepared to assist you in assessing your roof and planning your response before any leaks occur. This proactive approach puts you in control of maintaining one of your most valuable assets.

Preventative Roof Care

An apple a day…

What if you didn’t have to buy a new roof? At least, not yet. With Preventative Roof Care, we’ll keep our finger on the pulse of your roof’s health and longevity—providing maintenance and solutions to prolong your roof’s life while helping you budget for the next one. Preventative Roof Care includes a bi-yearly Roof Checkup and Roof Care Plan.


Roof checkup & leak repair

Roofs need checkups too. Our techs will visit your roof twice per year to give it the checkup it needs to live a long and healthy life.

  • Walk the entire roof

  • Remove debris

  • Clear drains and gutters

  • Identify problem areas

  • Quickly identify and repair leaks

  • Provide a detailed report and on-going roof maintenence plan


Budgeting tools and advance planning

As roofs begin to age, owners need the tools to know where the problem spots are, when potential problems need to be addressed and what it will cost to extend the life of the roof as long as possible.

  • A web portal that allows you to track the health of your roof

  • Ongoing budgeting support so a major roof failure never catches you by surprise

  • Significant discounts for all maintenance and repairs on the roof

  • Significant discounts for all maintenance and repairs on the roof

  • Long term planning for re-roof projects

Roof checkup pricing based on total square footage. Prices start at $250.00 for under 1,000 square feet.

Our Preventative Roof Care customers can add an additional 10-15 years onto the life of their roof

When “quotes” go through the roof

An estimate you can count on

Accurate measurements

Our team actually gets on your roof for the most accurate measurements and up-close observations leading to highly detailed and accurate estimates.

Core sample

Knowing exactly what your existing roof is made of gives us the ability to find just the right roofing system for your building.

Thorough proposal

We take our time to do it right and list out exactly what you will be getting. All of our new roofs come with a manufacturer warranty as well as two, complementary years of our Roof Care Plan.

Why we take core samples

Understanding the roof you have

Roofs can be complex and, sometimes, full of surprises. By taking a core sample, we find out exactly what lurks below the surface. Sometimes, it’s the hidden factors that make all the difference.

1. Surface layer

Your first line of defense

This could be a single ply of rubber or several layers of built up roofing or any of thousands of other roofing materials. The top layer is the first and most important defense against weather and moisture penetration.

2. Hardboard underlayment

An extra layer of support

Many roofing systems feature a hardboard directly under the surface layer. This layer provides impact protection from hail, foot traffic and random things that might get dropped or thrown onto a roof. In hail country, a hardboard underlayment is a must for single ply roofing system

1. Surface layer

Your first line of defense

This could be a single ply of rubber or several layers of built up roofing or any of thousands of other roofing materials. The top layer is the first and most important defense against weather and moisture penetration.

2. Hardboard underlayment

An extra layer of support

Many roofing systems feature a hardboard directly under the surface layer. This layer provides impact protection from hail, foot traffic and random things that might get dropped or thrown onto a roof. In hail country, a hardboard underlayment is a must for single ply roofing system

3. Rigid insulation

Maintaining interior temperatures

Roof system insulation can make a huge difference in both heating and cooling costs paying big dividends on your investment and making a positive environmental impact by reducing energy consumption.

4. Old roof systems

What else is hiding out up there

Sometimes old roof systems can be hiding underneath newer roof systems. This can affect the overall performance in a variety of ways, both good and bad. The presence of old roofs under more recent installations is especially important when starting a reroof project.

3. Rigid insulation

Maintaining interior temperatures

Roof system insulation can make a huge difference in both heating and cooling costs paying big dividends on your investment and making a positive environmental impact by reducing energy consumption.

4. Old roof systems

What else is hiding out up there

Sometimes old roof systems can be hiding underneath newer roof systems. This can affect the overall performance in a variety of ways, both good and bad. The presence of old roofs under more recent installations is especially important when starting a reroof project.

Roofs aren’t one-size-fits-all

Custom proposals

designed with you in


Let us know now how we can help by filling out this form or giving us a call. We look forward to serving you!

A division of Royalty Roofing USA.

As a full service roofing contractor, we offer preventative roof servicing and roof repair for all commercial and industrial roofing systems. We specialize in facility management, helping customers with multiple properties and locations with long term budget planning and analysis.


Commercial Roofing

Roof Repair + Services

Delaware Company

(504) 957 2993

© 2024 Joint Forces Roofing